Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Waiting Game

Still pregnant.  Though I think I'm having contractions now, about 10 minutes apart.  Not sure.  I had some before I went to sleep and just woke up with one.  But that didn't stop me from making and eating an Ekizeal bread, sunflower butter, and banana sandwich.

this pic has nothing to do with this!
I'm scheduled to have an induction massage today in a few hours.

It does seem a little silly to have an induction massage and try to bring labor on early (so far I've been drinking Chamomile tea, eating papaya and dates, and walking and we tried some other highly recommended joint methods...not very successful).  However, Jeff's got less than two weeks left in the U.S. before he returns overseas.  And in addition to having him present and assisting in the birth, I think it's really important for him to be here to help Leon with the transition.

Speaking of transitions...I got Leon a toy baby doll to play big brother with.  He is very affectionate with the doll, when he is not using it as an airplane, and seems to get the concept of baby, Leon, and mom.  He's even (no lie) bought the doll over to me so I can breast feed it.  At least that's what I assume he wants me to do with the doll when he smashes it up to my chest.

Wait, is this a contraction?

Ugh, the good and bad thing about my water breaking first last time was that I had such an untypical delivery that I am not exactly certain what happens first in a normal delivery.  I asked the doctor and a nurse last time and they said, "oh you'll know when you are having a contraction."  But really?  I mean, the early stages don't really (I think) hurt that much or maybe it's possible I have a higher tolerance for pain?

Anyways, we'll see what happens next!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Yes, He Can be Terrible

Not sure what I hate more, Leon when he is in his terrible two mood or another person telling me not to call it "Terrible two."  The other day I was at a museum and the guard commented on Leon enjoying the artwork.  I was happy that Leon was enjoying everything.  That was the second time we went to that particular museum that week.  But I also know how jumpy the guards get when Leon comes in the room because their are several standing art works that say "don't touch."  Last time I had to put Leon back in his stroller at three (I count now 1-2-3 for each offense and 3 is back in stroller or time out somewhere) because he was running, yelling, and very close to touching or bumping into artwork in the museum.

So back to this day with this particular guard, I said, something like"yeah, he's great but he's also in the terrible twos so I'm watching him."  Random man replies, "you shouldn't call your son terrible, he is not terrible, you should respect and honor him."  um...seriously?  Stranger man.  How about you become 37.5 weeks pregnant and chase a toddler down, deal with the kicking and screaming, and throwing food on the floor.

Another day, I said Leon was going through his terrible twos and another person said to me, "Leon is not terrible."  This person hadn't seen Leon since he drooled uncontrollably and had just learned to roll over.

I could go on and on.

Leon is an amazing child.  He is so smart, coordinated, friendly, and happy.  But he is also going through a tough time right now.  He wants to be in control of everything and in those moments when he wants more of X or less of Y he can really be terrible.

So let me call it what it is!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Preparing for Labor: Birth Plan

I found my birth plan from Leon's birth.  It's so funny!  I wanted a non-intervention/natural childbirth (and I had one).  My birth plan is so in depth and uses all these suggestions and commentary that I don't even think I understood.  The funniest part was the induction section:

'If induction becomes necessary, we ask that non-chemical methods (walking, breast stimulation, castor oil, and if mucus plug is intact and her water has not broken, sexual intercourse) be tried before chemical methods.  If those methods do not work, we would like to try a cervical cream before pitocin."

Seriously, sex!  LOL!  Sex and breast stimulation were the last things on my mind when I was in labor.   What was I going to do with the castor oil?   What is castor oil?  I think I must of lifted that from some natural website or a baby site.

The truth is birth plans probably are not necessary.  Except to make a first time mom feel like she's in control.  The Dr read it quickly with Leon but I don't think he even thought about it.  Once I said "no drugs" they put "no drugs" on the board outside my door and let me deal with the pain on my own. 

I made a play list, lavender rice socks (you heat them in the microwave and use them for pain management), yoga ball, movies to watch, chamomile tea with honey, massage oil etc. The only thing I ended up using was the yoga ball (just for a few bounces though) and the chamomile tea (I smuggled that into the's supposed to bring on contractions; I started guzzling it when they told me I wasn't effaced or dilated and since my water broke over 8 hours ago I panicked that they were going to give me pitocin, then an epidural, and then a C-section).   I did walk a lot and squat and even walked up and down steps (next day when I mentioned that to the nurse she told me that was dangerous and not allowed..opps!).  I also took a shower with Jeff and I think that helped (no sex, lol, just warm water).

So this time, I plan on smuggling in some chamomile tea, bringing a ball, and my fully loaded Ipad (with poor girl eventually gets rich man Victorian period romance movies).  And I'm hoping for another drug free pregnancy with assistance from either my mom or husband (cause not likely I'll have both of them this time) and  I'm happy with that.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Believe it when I see it!

The Dr. said I could go into labor any day now on this past Wednesday.  At first that freaked me out.  I was planning on working another two weeks.  I hadn't done a ton of stuff that I needed to do like get the baby's car seat and hello, Jeff's not here.  So I immediately ordered everything via two day mail and came up with my back up and back that person up plans for the hospital. And then it occurred to me a day or two later when I was afraid to go the bathroom (afraid the baby would fall out) that I'm not going to have the baby any day now.  I'm almost 36 weeks.  I was 35 weeks when Dr. told me that.  If she really truly thought I was going into labor later that day or days after why not put me on bed rest?  Why not give me some drugs to slow it down? (Not that I would have wanted to take them)  The baby is technically premature before 38 weeks. Who tells a mom five weeks early, "any day now," and then sets an appt to see her in two weeks?  

So I'm not having the baby any day now.  Number two is going to wait until the end of June or early July.  Dr. made her observations based on how low the baby is but I'm making mine on my intuition.  LOL! 

Let's see who is right?

Pictured above, Leon and I at the zoo.  I didn't give birth today at the zoo!  Yeah, another day down, four more weeks to go!

Friday, June 1, 2012

When the Cat's Away

Jeff was against putting Leon on a leash but he's not here around right now.  So I bought Leon a leash/back pack.  It's good for parks and museums.  I wouldn't dare let him cross the street with it.