Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Waiting Game

Still pregnant.  Though I think I'm having contractions now, about 10 minutes apart.  Not sure.  I had some before I went to sleep and just woke up with one.  But that didn't stop me from making and eating an Ekizeal bread, sunflower butter, and banana sandwich.

this pic has nothing to do with this!
I'm scheduled to have an induction massage today in a few hours.

It does seem a little silly to have an induction massage and try to bring labor on early (so far I've been drinking Chamomile tea, eating papaya and dates, and walking and we tried some other highly recommended joint methods...not very successful).  However, Jeff's got less than two weeks left in the U.S. before he returns overseas.  And in addition to having him present and assisting in the birth, I think it's really important for him to be here to help Leon with the transition.

Speaking of transitions...I got Leon a toy baby doll to play big brother with.  He is very affectionate with the doll, when he is not using it as an airplane, and seems to get the concept of baby, Leon, and mom.  He's even (no lie) bought the doll over to me so I can breast feed it.  At least that's what I assume he wants me to do with the doll when he smashes it up to my chest.

Wait, is this a contraction?

Ugh, the good and bad thing about my water breaking first last time was that I had such an untypical delivery that I am not exactly certain what happens first in a normal delivery.  I asked the doctor and a nurse last time and they said, "oh you'll know when you are having a contraction."  But really?  I mean, the early stages don't really (I think) hurt that much or maybe it's possible I have a higher tolerance for pain?

Anyways, we'll see what happens next!

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