So back to this day with this particular guard, I said, something like"yeah, he's great but he's also in the terrible twos so I'm watching him." Random man replies, "you shouldn't call your son terrible, he is not terrible, you should respect and honor him." um...seriously? Stranger man. How about you become 37.5 weeks pregnant and chase a toddler down, deal with the kicking and screaming, and throwing food on the floor.
Another day, I said Leon was going through his terrible twos and another person said to me, "Leon is not terrible." This person hadn't seen Leon since he drooled uncontrollably and had just learned to roll over.
I could go on and on.
Leon is an amazing child. He is so smart, coordinated, friendly, and happy. But he is also going through a tough time right now. He wants to be in control of everything and in those moments when he wants more of X or less of Y he can really be terrible.
So let me call it what it is!
That's right, girl!! Call it what it is. Zoe did the terrible twos thing at 18 months and it only happened on two occasions, so I don't even think I should call what she went through the "terrible twos." It sure felt like it, though. Those damn people need to mind their damn business!!!