Sunday, June 3, 2012

Believe it when I see it!

The Dr. said I could go into labor any day now on this past Wednesday.  At first that freaked me out.  I was planning on working another two weeks.  I hadn't done a ton of stuff that I needed to do like get the baby's car seat and hello, Jeff's not here.  So I immediately ordered everything via two day mail and came up with my back up and back that person up plans for the hospital. And then it occurred to me a day or two later when I was afraid to go the bathroom (afraid the baby would fall out) that I'm not going to have the baby any day now.  I'm almost 36 weeks.  I was 35 weeks when Dr. told me that.  If she really truly thought I was going into labor later that day or days after why not put me on bed rest?  Why not give me some drugs to slow it down? (Not that I would have wanted to take them)  The baby is technically premature before 38 weeks. Who tells a mom five weeks early, "any day now," and then sets an appt to see her in two weeks?  

So I'm not having the baby any day now.  Number two is going to wait until the end of June or early July.  Dr. made her observations based on how low the baby is but I'm making mine on my intuition.  LOL! 

Let's see who is right?

Pictured above, Leon and I at the zoo.  I didn't give birth today at the zoo!  Yeah, another day down, four more weeks to go!

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