Friday, March 15, 2013


Elsie is eight months old! She is a chubby lil thing. She's grown into her cheeks, a little. But they are still quite kissable. She's almost crawling and mostly sitting, though she can fall (timber!) when distracted.

People here call Elsie Gordita (literal translation, little fat girl) or Negrita (little black girl). Gordita has caught on and I use it interchangbly with Elsie. I doubt I would ever feel comfortable calling her (or any one) Negrita. I know it's a term of endearment but I just can't get the hang of it. By the way I also don't call Leon Catire (Venezuelan slang for blonde/blue eyed male) and EVERYONE calls him Catire.

I guess it's an American (United States of) thing.

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