Monday, February 18, 2013

Kids Complicates Things

I remember once flying behind a couple with a kid. The mom and dad were arguing about the fact that the dad caved into the whinnying toddler and gave him a candy bar. The mom was furious because she had said no. I felt bad for her. So much pain and annoyance in her voice. I also felt sorry for the dad. He just wanted the kid to sit down and shut up. But overall I felt bad for their marriage. They were arguing over a candy bar with so much passion you'd think someone died.

Fast forward six years I get it. Children are blessings but they do complicate a marriage. The candy bar mom could be me any time of the week.

More than a being a united front with the kids, you gotta know when to let things go and trust that whatever decisions your partner makes they are with the best intentions. If that doesn't help; I tell myself, he won't kill them.

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