Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Big and Beautiful

A thing I hate about being pregnant is that people don't let you just be fat.  If you talk about being fat or feeling fat they automatically shut you down and make you feel like you are saying, "I hate this gift from God or I am not appreciative or aware that some people out there are trying hard and can't get pregnant."  But the truth is when you are pregnant you feel fat.  I mean, you feel bigger and heavier.  I'm almost 148 pounds now.  That's not anywhere near morbidly obese in the U.S. but still I can see it and feel it.  It's a little less shocking this time around.  Last time I weighed over 165 on my due date.  I gained over 50 pounds.  I started off a little smaller than I did this time around just because I got knocked up right in the middle of my competition season and I was probably weighing 115 or maybe less.  This time I was at my normal weight probably around 120.  I have 8 to 11 weeks left depending on how you count it.  I'll probably gain a pound a week so I'm guessing this pregnancy I'll gain close to 40 pounds.

In closing I'd like to tell a story that happened to me over the weekend.  Like I said, people don't let you just be fat when you're pregnant.  I was at a dinner party and the hostess said to me, "You haven't gained hardly any weight...its all in your belly."  Now that's a comment that I hear a lot and I know it's not true.  I can see it in my hips, butt, feet, legs, and my face.  I'm bigger everywhere but yes, the majority has gone to my abdomen region.  So I responded, "Oh no, I've gained close to 30 pounds."  And she responded, "That's not true!  I've seen pictures of you.  You were not that small to begin with."

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