Sunday, March 25, 2012

California Dreams

We are enjoying a much needed vacation in California. Leon had Burmese food today and Japanese the other day. Everyday has not only been a culinary adventure with blueberries and strawberries for breakfast, but also a feast of sights and sounds. We been hiking, petting goats at children's zoos, and checking out fish and turtles at aquariums. Traveling always has its pluses and minuses. On travel day Leon was up for almost 20 hours with ZERO sleep. I'm saying no nap on his two long flights, on the layover, and he was up when we landed. Making sure Leon gets enough sleep ( and #2, cough, cough me) with all the new adventures is tough. Back in Venezuela Leon is on a two nap a day and goes to bed (after dinner, play, and bath) around 7:30-8:00 pm. On vacation he has been napping at least once for two hours and going to bed relatively by 8-9 pm. It's tough though because I don't want to be the super anal mom but then I also feel so bad when I look at him and I know he is so tired.

1 comment:

  1. FYI, Leon's trip back was 100 times better. He napped on both flights. Maybe it was just all too new (even though he has flown tons of times before) for him on the way there?
