Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Leon is TWENTY Months old; Number 2 is 17 Weeks

I can't believe that Leon is already 20 months old. Running around (he refuses just to walk), saying over 30 words (mostly in Spanish), and he knows what he wants and where he wants it. Here is a photo of Leon from a birthday party last weekend. Meanwhile Leon's sibling "number two" is growing too. He/she is 17 weeks old and the size of a turnip. Pregnancy is going ok except for random headaches, lack of desire to eat what's available (and strong desire to eat what's not) and the urge to gag every time I brush my teeth. Oh, and I'm still tired but maybe not as exhausted as the last entry.


  1. Jehan I love your blog and Leon is so cute. This is Karee

  2. thanks!!!! I miss you! I'll be home in May! Yeah!!
