Mommy guilt is a horrible thing. I think we all have it. This past weekend I was stopped by a family when I was chasing Leon down (his dad does that most of the time, but this was my turn). They asked me how old Leon was, "15 months" I replied and then the mother (I think that is what she is) started to quibble with her daughter. I guess this woman's grandson was almost 15 months and was not walking yet. Leon is more than walking nowadays, he is running and climbing etc. I remember being in that girl's shoes. I went to a 1st birthday party for another baby and that baby was already walking. Leon was barely crawling (it looked more like a break dancing move). But I tried to tell myself, "He will walk when he walks and talk when he talks." It's so easy to get caught up in comparing your child to another child or some statistics in a book. But don't do it! Relish every moment with your child and don't get caught up in the "what should your baby be doing now." And if your baby is not doing XYZ, it's not your fault! Just say no, to mommy guilt!
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