Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Terrible Ones

So, everyone talks about the terrible twos but what about the terrible ones? Leon seems to be getting more and more determined everyday. That's great! He is more determined to walk, to eat with a spoon/fork, to talk, to even help around the house like emptying the fridge or dishwasher. But that also means he is more determined to do whatever he wants including putting things in his mouth that should not be touched or crawling/walking while I am trying to change his diaper (this picture I was trying to get him undressed in the morning and he wanted to chase the cat). I try not to laugh at him when he gets mini-emotional. But it is really funny. He starts crying like the world is coming to an end and then SNAP like that he stops if I give him what he wants, distract him, or give him something to eat (that's the easiest way).

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