Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Zoo Date

Leon has gone on a couple of one-on-one play dates with the cutest baby girl on the planet! She is adorable! Let's call her M for short. Here they are at the zoo. Their other play dates have been dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant, splashing and swimming in the pool and guitar class. I hear a lot of people say that "play dates" are really just "mommy dates." But M's mommy and I try to get together so the babies can play and learn something new (though there's nothing wrong with the play date at the coffee/tea shop).

Also, check out the video of Leon...he thinks every none human is a dog!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Terrible Ones

So, everyone talks about the terrible twos but what about the terrible ones? Leon seems to be getting more and more determined everyday. That's great! He is more determined to walk, to eat with a spoon/fork, to talk, to even help around the house like emptying the fridge or dishwasher. But that also means he is more determined to do whatever he wants including putting things in his mouth that should not be touched or crawling/walking while I am trying to change his diaper (this picture I was trying to get him undressed in the morning and he wanted to chase the cat). I try not to laugh at him when he gets mini-emotional. But it is really funny. He starts crying like the world is coming to an end and then SNAP like that he stops if I give him what he wants, distract him, or give him something to eat (that's the easiest way).

Friday, June 3, 2011


Here's a video of Leon walking! He took his first steps this Tuesday at a friends house. Then he walked to me on Wednesday morning. He seems to forget that he can walk now. But I know soon he'll start running, kicking, hiking, etc. Enjoy this glimpse into his future!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Techno Baby

Leon loves technology. He loves blackberries, Ipads, Iphones, and if nothing else is around he'll grab the remote control. Here's a video of him turning on and playing with my camera. I probably shouldn't let him do that. Maybe that's why my cell phone isn't working anymore...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Back on Stage

My goal was to compete within a year of Leon's birth. I did it. I also won my second show for fitness and placed second in bikini. Here are some pictures from the show. I admit that I am happy to get back in shape but I was not 100% pleased. I am at peace with it now. But on the days of the show I really noticed how my body has changed post pregnancy. My stomach and buttocks seem like they belong to someone else. My stomach (you really can't tell in these pics because these are from the second show and I practiced posing so that these things weren't visible) sticks out still. I guess that is related to the diastisis and I also seem to have extra skin. But I told myself whenever I start thinking negative thoughts related to my body to repeat my new mantra, "I love my body and I am beautiful." Sounds like an after school special, but it has really helped.

Birthday Review

Leon's birthday party was so much fun. He enjoyed playing in the baby pools (after testing the water out a bit) and he loved his cup cake. I could not have had the party without the help of my family (sisters (natural and in-law), mom, close family friend, and of course, the husband). It's hard to believe that our little baby is now one and somewhat walking! Yes, he took his first unassisted steps yesterday and then again this morning. I screamed the first time, which alarmed him and made him cry. I tried to hold back my emotions this morning. I can't wait (well I can of course) to celebrate his second birthday when he really gets it.