Thursday, March 24, 2011

Specialize This

At Leon's nine month check up the doctor said he needed to see a specialist. Then she said, "Don't worry, it's just a precaution." Basically, she asked me a series of questions and I said, "no" to most of them. The questions were, "Does he crawl, does he stand holding onto furniture, does he move from one piece of furniture to the other, does he pull himself up to standing etc." I thought those were all skills for much older babies. Granted there are plenty of babies crawling at his age but standing up holding on furniture? I hadn't seen him do that because I wasn't even considering "allowing" him to try. What if he falls? And to that question my mom and Jeff say, "so what, he will fall, he needs to learn etc etc." Leon's been comfortable with putting pressure on his feet for some time now and he has been standing and pulling up on stuff recently. I am still going to see the specialist, because well, because the doctor said so. But I'm 100% sure that he is completely fine and or above average :).

Here's a video of Leon standing and holding on to his pack and play all by myself.

1 comment:

  1. I'm even more convinced he does not need a specialist! Still taking him to his appt next Monday.
