Monday, March 21, 2011

Sleeping Update

Guess who is sleeping now? Everyone! Leon has pretty much slept through the night (with either no crying or less than 2 minutes of crying) for over a week. In my 32 years of life two events have changed my life entirely. The first one was having Leon and the second was Leon sleeping through the night. Honestly! Graduations, marriage, moving overseas, etc...none of those events radically changed my life like having a baby and the second biggest change was him sleeping all night (without needing to nurse every 1-3 hours!).

I was against CIO. And I still do think if one's baby cries a lot and completely resists sleep training, then it's probably not something one should do. However, it was time for us. Leon sleeps 12+ hours every night and (when he is home with us on the weekends) has two two hour naps. He is sleeping more at daycare too, but not as much as I would like.

Last Friday I went to the movies (Jeff stayed at home) with my mom and sister. This week Jeff and I are going on our very first date night (outside of the home and without Leon)! I'm also going to go back to taking late night dance classes!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear everyone is sleeping now!! I know yall are some happy campers over there! :)
