Friday, February 4, 2011

Table Manners

Leon's growing up, way too fast. He now can hold (for a while before he throws it to the floor) his sippy cup (well not actually a "sippy cup" it's a fancy Whole Foods version) full of water. I'm still making his food. His favorite foods are puffs, sweet potato, barley oat mix, and oatmeal with bananas. He does not seem to like asparagus or yogurt. He has also had carrots, peas, all types of squash, green beans, prunes, pears, and I'm sure other things that I am not thinking of now. I have also begun to "season" his food. So far I am just using cinnamon with his sweet potato.

OH, and he is still on breast milk. I pump three times a day and feed him about 3-4 times an afternoon and night.

On the one hand I look forward to him eating with his hands and trying new things (like mini-whole wheat pancakes with blue berries) but on the other hand, I want to keep him a cuddly little baby forever. LOL! He is almost 20 pounds now and slowly changing from newborn to infant to baby.


  1. That is so cool. I wish we had a Whole Foods here. I loved making Zoe's food when she was an infant. What type of food grinder do you use and how do you freeze his food? Do grind brown rice to make his rice cereal? I don't blame him for not liking asperagus; who would as a baby? Zoe loved yogurt. I used to buy the whole milk yogurt at Shop Rite in Ghana. Now, I do occasionally give her some commercial foods for school lunch because of convenience. She also likes popcorn and pretzels. We all usually eat the same things for dinner.

  2. Hey! I microwave the sweet potato (for example) and then put it in my simple immersion blender with a little water. At first I'd make big batches and freeze the remainder in his little plastic containers (like the one's you guys gave us!). But now I just make enough for dinner and the next meal. I'll try yogurt again later. I tried blending it with sweet potato and banana and he liked that version better. I grind brown rice with peas for example. For his cereals, I have been giving him the packaged stuff. He gets packaged stuff at day care :(. He also likes avocado and tofu. I'm trying more beans this week. When did you give Zoe meat or egg yolk? Part of me wants to wait until he can "think" to give him meat, so he can tell me if he wants to be a vegetarian or not.

  3. I gave Zoë egg yolk at 9 months, I believe. I gave her meat (chicken and ground turkey) at 8 months. The turkey she got in spaghetti and I grilled the chicken and then pureéd it with apple sauce. For her dinner, I would combine it with one or two vegetable. I also used to cook apples with cinnamon and pureé it or pear with nutmeg. I combined the yougurt with different fruits. I never gave it to her plain. I don't eat it plain, why should I give it to her plain. She loved it with bananas, mangoes, blueberries or peaches. I used to use a coffee grinder to grind Zoë's brown rice and oatmeal. I would combine the rice or oatmeal with a fruit for her breakfast.

    Now that her eating is more advanced, we eat a variety of things. Lastnight she had chunks of squash with cinnamon, edemome, fish sticks, and apple sauce. Now I buy commercial applesauce, but it's the natural one with no sugar. It's just easier. She would not take a bite from a whole apple, though.
