Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sleeping Update

Sleep. It's all I think about and apparently it's all everyone else thinks about. When I was pregnant the two questions I got (over and over again) were "What are you having?" and "When are you due?" Now, everyone asks me, "Is he sleeping through the night?" Define, sleeping. The problem never was centered around LJ sleeping. He can sleep for hours. He will wake up momentarily, have a quick snack (without crying or opening his eyes), and go back to sleep. The problem arose when I got tired of being the all night snack car. When I realized that I really missed laying on my back or stomach vice laying on my side in a fetal like position around LJ.

So the transition from the bed to the pack n play, then the bed to the crib began. That has not gone so well. I've tried a little bit of everything (but nothing long enough). Everything seems to involve a bit (or actually a lot) of crying. When I say I tried everything, I mean it. I have even slept on the floor in his room for three days and even slept in his crib with him. Yes, I said, I climbed into his crib.

Still LJ prevails and is sleeping in our bed. That's the only way we all get a full nights sleep. He starts off in his crib and then by 11 pm is in our bed.

We are trying to decide if we are going to let him stay there or try the CIO (cry it out) method.

I think we need a bigger bed.


  1. I climbed in Riley's travel crib one night too! Augh. But, we eventually did let him cry it out and he's an awesome sleeper now. It was only bad one night. All nights since, he has cried for 30 minutes or less. It changed our lives!

  2. Thanks! Glad to hear I'm not the only one. He is sleeping in his crib now but waking up every 3 hours! The last two niights were different. He is sick and refuses to lie on his back.
