Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Now I'm the Pro!

LJ is four months! Its hard to believe. Today I was nursing in a room with another mom who was having trouble with her four day old. I told her it gets better (nursing, the pain in your shoulders and back, sleeping, everything).

I was nursing Leon, drinking water, and flipping through a magazine. She kept apologizing to me as her baby wailed because they were both trying to get the hang of nursing. Compared to her I really did look like a pro. But I still have a long way to go!

Four months was my personal deadline for ending our cosleeping arrangement and the constant nighttime nursing. I would prefer to not let him "cry it out." But I realize that might be the only thing that works. But before I try the Feber approach I'll try to slowly get him to sleep in his crib.

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