The other day someone said to me, "the world needs more Leons." They were responding to my fatigue and worry that something's not quite right with my child. Why does it seem like I have the loudest kid? Why does he growl like a bear or scream like a dinosaur at strangers? Why does he have to yell MAMA all the time?
(And it seems to be catching (or its just the wonderful genes)...cause Elsie screams (giggling mostly) so loud and responds to Leon's energy with 100%.)
But then he is super sweet. He shares. He speaks two languages. He plays with new kids with ease. He talks and talks and talks. He sleeps through the night (and has done so for over two years). He potty trained himself practically (ok but he does wear a diaper at night) before two. And I could go on and on about all of the things that make Leon special.
So what if people always say to me "you've it your hands full." And I know I will probably never hear "you have the best behaved kids." But I do get "you have beautiful children"..."he has the cutest hair"...and always..."wow he has a lot of energy!"
Cheers to my unique and an amazing son (and his growing more and more like him everyday sister)!