Saturday, July 28, 2012

Welcome Lorraine!

Lorraine Carol "Elsie" was born on July 12 at 12:25 pm.  Labor was long and quick.  I was given pitocin at 2 am.  I was not given the option of using cervical cream.  So since I was on an IV I had to stay close to my bed.  Very annoying.  My initial plan was to walk and climb as much as possible.  Though they did let me sit on birthing ball.  I spent the first several hours watching movies, reading 50 Shades of Grey (overrated but ok), and trying to maintain calm and not focus on a C section.  In the morning I was still just 3 centimeters and didn't seem likely id have baby soon.  Someone even said "not today."But I've heard that before.  Around 1030 am Jeff went to gym and my sister started packing up so she could go walk her dog.  We joked that last time  she heard not today and she left I had the baby in two hours.  So maybe she shouldn't leave.  Midwife checked me....I was 6 cent.  Yah!  I had had some well spaced contractions they were moderately painful.  Midwife broke my water at about 11 am.  I asked if I should tell Jeff to come back, she said no, I still had several hours.  Soon I couldn't talk and asked my sister to please time my contractions and to my surprise they were 2 min apart and 1 min long.  The nurse came in.  She said the baby's heart beat monitor fell off.  I couldn't really even concentrate on helping her or following instructions....midwife came back said let me just get you in bed check heart beat and then you can go back to the ball.  They were like get on bed....I was trying to say can we please just wait until I finish this contraction....finally got on bed and Jeff walked in room and he said I'm going to shower...Dr said ok next thing I knew they were banging on the door telling him to get out quick

Three sets of three long pushes and Elsie was born.  I needed stitches (again) and started to hemorrhage but eventually the midwife and nurses fixed that.

Its a girl.

I originally thought I was having a girl but changed it to a boy so I wouldn't be upset.  I really did only want a healthy child.  I had prepared myself for a boy.  Thinking, "my boys this and my boys that."   But when i heard, "its a girl"I was beyond happy!

I can't wait to do her hair, dress her in tutus and tiaras, and comfort her with my boy drama stories when XYZ doesn't call her (well maybe I can wait on thus one).

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ready or not....It's Time

Tomorrow I'll be induced in the evening (assuming I don't have the baby before). I wanted to avoid an induction but I don't have a choice. On the other hand, it's pretty exciting to know I'm almost there. It's been a little frustrating that for the last few weeks everyone has been asking me for updates, calculations, and information. Being told six weeks ago I was going to have the baby "any day" put a bit of unnecessary pressure on me and my family. But no one knows perhaps if I hadn't eased up on things maybe I would have had the baby earlier. My plan is to ask for cervical cream instead of pitocin. So I can avoid all the complications that can arise with pitocin. When my water broke first with Leon I freaked because I imagined this....pitocin followed by super hard contractions followed by an epidural followed by ineffective pushing followed by a drop in baby's heart beat followed by an emergency C section. I wanted to avoid a c section at all costs last time. I would love to have a similar birth as with Leon. A couple of hours of intense pain, a sweet release, and then a baby in my arms. I was able to take a shower, walk around, etc before and after. C sections scare me due to the fact that it's a serious medical procedure but also because I'm afraid of losing that freedom. But let's focus on the good things.... This time tomorrow I'll be closer to holding baby #2! Since tonight's my last night as a mom of one (a mom of a toddler who sleeps 10 hours a night straight) I should probably get ready for bed.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


40 weeks pregnant and yes, pregnant.   The induction massage I had last week was wonderful (Spa on the Hill).  It was a regular massage with some pressure applied to points on my feet and hands that are supposed to cause contractions.  I think I felt one when getting the massage though when I try it myself now, nothing.

I had contractions six minutes apart over the weekend and I was sure it was time to go to the hospital.  After all hadn't everyone and their moma told me that after Leon's birth (preceptive labor)  that I should hurry to the hospital when my contractions get to be six minutes apart? staff didn't seem to like my use of the p word, though that's what one of the nurses in the same hospital told me my first labor was called.  I was checked and I was only dilated 3 centimeters and told to go back home.

Ugh!  They seemed to doubt that my contractions were actually six minutes apart and surprised I was not in pain.  Since then I stopped counting my contractions.  I'm waiting on my water breaking, screaming pain, or a hand, foot, or head to appear before I go back to the hospital.

In the meantime I've been thinking about possibly inducing labor.  My hospital only allows you go to until 41 weeks and my husband is supposed to depart this weekend ( 35 weeks the doctor was so certain that I would deliver any day now).

I'm still quite scared of inducing and really want to leave it as a last resort.  I would prefer to have another natural delivery.  It was helpful to be able to have the freedom of moving around before and after and I'm not sure how my body would react to an epidural (not sure one can get a C-section without one, lol).  ((I realize now that my blog the last time I was pregnant must have been I was trying to write as if I was said child...but FYI I have the same opinions on natural labor as before))

So I think I will try to avoid an induction at all costs.  Maybe I'll go into labor when I finish posting....