Thursday, April 26, 2012

Potty Training Update

I'm close to saying Leon is potty trained.  He pretty much goes diaper less all day long except for naps.  He refuses to wear diapers.  He really loves the whole "pee-pee papa!"  Translation, peeing daddy style.  He also has long given up his pato (potty in shape of a duck) and uses the actual toilet.  And he is fairly consistent with #2 in the toilet too.

I'm quite proud of him.  Maybe people told me that potty training a boy was really difficult and that I probably shouldn't even attempt until he is 2 and a half or older.

But potty training isn't easy.  He uses the bathroom all the time.  I walk him to the bathroom, pull off pants (I can't just pull them down, they sometimes get wet with me...but not the nanny), help him balance on the step, help him push his body forward, then help him put the pants back on, help him up the steps to wash his hands (one of his favorite parts), try to convince him his hands are clean, usually lift him away from the sink, try to dry his hands, and walk him out of the bathroom.  All that in place of just changing a diaper every couple of hours.  ((Also, don't for get I'm 30 weeks pregnant with a huge stomach and an aching back))

But it is nice to know that when #2 arrives there will only be one in diapers.

Monday, April 9, 2012

My son the Carnivore

When I was pregnant with Leon I searched for books on how to raise a vegetarian child. I always figured I'd go back to being a 100% vegetarian when I was pregnant because it was the healthier thing to do, right? I was a vegetarian (but not vegan, so I ate dairy and eggs) for almost 10 years before I became a pescatarian (mostly vegetarian diet with fish/seafood). Then at some point in the last three years I started eating vegetarian with a little bit of everything else.

I was quite surprised when I was pregnant to come across this book "Real Food for Mother and Baby." Instead of finding a vegetarian book to bring me back to my senses, I read Nina Planck's book about how everyone but especially pregnant women, nursing women, and babies should eat meat and other "real foods." Her basic belief is that there are no true natural vegan societies and that even in vegetarian societies (not talking about San Francisco, I'm talking about people who lived centuries ago or "natives" now) pregnant women and children are giving meat-based supplements. She thinks that we eat too much fat free/sugar free/chemically created and processed foods instead of real butter and foods that our ancestors ate.

I agree with her that it's probably more important for our health that we eat organic, whole foods than processed foods, including meat free processed foods. I try to feed Leon everything and let him decide what he likes the best.

Though at some point I'd love to be a self-sufficient vegetarian again. Or at growing most of my own food that isn't purchased at some organic market (definitely one reason I would love to move back to the U.S (or Europe/South Africa) is to be able to buy all organic diary and meat products.

Some day soon!!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Gender Wars

Is it a girl or boy? Do you want a girl or boy?

I get those two questions all the time. I got them last time too.

Tonight my nanny said that Leon was hugging on me more these days and that is a sign that I am having a girl.

Many have said because I haven't gained that much weight yet (I am about 10 pounds behind where I was last time) is proof that I am having a girl.

Others say I'm having a boy because of the position of the baby.

It's funny how many people won't just take "I don't care what I'm having" as an answer. They all really want me to say which one I want.

Let's see. A girl would be cool. Of course. I have a boy. So I girl would be cool. I could do her hair, dress her up, etc.

A boy would also be cool. Leon would have an instant playmate (not that he can't play with a sister but it's different). One woman with three boys said to me, boys are easier since when they get older they never steal your clothes, they never steal your makeup, you never have to worry about their hair, and they usually end up doing "male bonding" things with dad so you get more free time.

Jeff would like to know now. I think it's better to wait until it comes out.

What do you think?