Saturday, February 4, 2012

#2 Update---Protect the Unborn Child

#2 is 18 weeks old and is the size (so they say) of a bell pepper. I want to share an annoying but funny story that happened this week. Ok so I'll be the first to admit my eating habits are slacking with #2. I hope he/she does not fail school/get cut from XYZ team and then find out that I ate better with Leon and blame me. But my options and my desire just don't have me excited about eating.

This week I dragged myself to my job's cafeteria to get something for lunch. They never have plain simple and healthy stuff it's always seafood (everything still in it's shell) with pasta and special sauce, chicken smothered with special sauce, brown broccoli, or something that sounds familiar but doesn't look like it should. So I asked for a cheese sandwich with tomato on whole wheat bread and then I said, oh and French fries. They didn't have any. Yes, saturated fats and French fries are bad. I know. Honestly I have had French fries maybe 2-3 (3 tops) times this pregnancy. They were out of fries.

I felt the person beside me staring. So I started small talking with her. She was getting a chicken burger and I said, "oh too bad they don't have French fries." And she said, "I don't eat fries and you shouldn't either, it's not good for your unborn child."

I wanted to say:

No sh-t. But I was also thinking about smoking some crack after work. Guess I shouldn't do that either. Da-n this baby!

I said:

I know...I really don't eat lots of fried foods. It's just hard. I always have a yucky taste in my mouth...and there are no good options...

I continued to ramble until my food came. Then I checked out the drink refrigerator looking at the various types of juice. I NEVER drink juice. When I’m not pregnant I just ignore juice. Don't get me wrong juice is not bad. But I just have always seen it as a waste of calories and usually loaded with sugar that overpowers whatever antioxidants might be left in the juice.

Mrs. Know it all said you should just drink water.

I paid for my food and quickly walked away. Pregnant Jehan is a ghetto Jehan. And I didn't want to be starting something.

P is for Pato and Pee Pee

Informal potty training has begun for Leon. We've run out of diapers. Well technically we have run out to Huggies diapers from the U.S. I have some Pampers from the store here. I swear they are not the same Pampers they sell in the U.S. I don't know why they are so much cheaper! Is it because there's regulation not regulating here or because the moms haven't organized and protested? Stand up Venezuelan Mommy bloggers!!! Diapers here are also super expensive. They are a luxury item. I think a week's worth is like $25. So today I let Leon run around diaper free for a bit to see what would happen. I pointed to the potty for pee and he walked over and peed. He was so excited that I was so excited that he said "mas" and kept trying and trying and finally a trickle came out and mostly got on the seat and his floor. Ok, no, not too graphic and not TMI...I'm talking about a barely 21 month of baby/toddler!!!

Later he peed on the floor. He was also watching Winnie the Pooh at the time (yeah, I know TV is bad. I'm all alone though and I have to let him do something for 10 mins while I get the lunch on the table or clean up some mess etc).

Lots of people say boys are hard to potty train but I think Leon is ready. He says pee pee when he has peed and lets you know when he is about to poop too! He also hates to have on his diaper these days.

We are planning a trip to the U.S. soon so I am a little hesitant to potty train now before that trip.

But well see how tomorrow goes!

Ps No picture today...don't want to end up in jail on child porn charges