Monday, October 31, 2011

Nothing says Halloween Like a Bouncy Castle

For Leon's second Halloween he was his dad's mini-me. I couldn't get good pictures of him! He wouldn't stand still! He loved checking out all the laughing kids in costumes. The scary ones didn't seem to scare him only perplex him. He cried during the pinata game (what young kid wouldn't cry while children took turns beating the tied up animal). He also liked walking around the area. But the ultimate fun award goes to the bouncy castle. It's not a party in Venezuela unless someone has a bouncy castle.

I tried to shorten this video and then said, "oh what the heck." To get the full flavor of the bouncy castle I could cut out too much. :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sick Sunday

Here's a cute picture of Leon for you! I feel sick so I'm going to bed. Leon work up at 4 am the last two days! Sat am I thought I could help him get back to sleep. Then at 6 am we left his room together. Today at 4 am he started making noises (it's a I'm awake/I want to be sleep/but if you can hear me come and get me and we can play noise) I watched him on the monitor and he was still laying down (that's another sign to watch for, Leon is really up when he is standing in his crib) so I let him make noises until 5 am. I'm hoping this was just a weird weekend thing. 4 am wake up is only ok when one goes to bed at 8 pm! Wait what I'm I doing up now?

Good night!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Road Trip

On our way to the beach we stopped on the side of the road for the kids to stretch their legs. Leon's favorite word these days (other than "NO") is agua (water). It was hard at the beach to know what he wanted. He used to say "agua" when he wanted water to drink, but at the beach he said "agua" for the pool and the ocean AND when he wanted to go swimming AND when he was thirsty.

New Favorite Posada

One of the great things about Venezuela is the posadas. They are like bed and breakfast establishments. Usually they are run by individuals (vs large companies) and they serve at least one meal, some all three. The posadas in Merida were nice. But my new favorite one is Seite Mares. We went on a road trip to Siete Mares last weekend. It was just a day trip but next time (and if you come and visit) we will stay overnight one or two nights.

Here's a video of hiking at Siete Mares.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Baby Gym

One of the best things about American holidays when I am abroad is that I get the day off and everything is open! So we were able to go to Leon's Babygym class today with him. Usually he goes with his Nanny (Elizabeth). Leon's been going to Babygym for a month and he seems to really love it. I'm so proud of him! The first (and only other time I went with him) he didn't want to do most of the activities (except for dancing). But now he is doing everything. Mom, he even hangs on the bars (I didn't tape that because I was standing by ready to catch him if he fell!). Check him out!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bath Time

Leon and I have gone full circle with taking baths. When he was really young he didn't seem to like water (or taking off his clothes) at all (that I understand is to be expected). I also didn't like giving him baths. It was scary and hard. He was too small for the tub but soon became too big for the sink or the little baby bath tubs. Then when he was six months old he started to enjoy taking baths, together with one of his parents. Even though I was in the tub, I usually put the barely timpid water really low and kept one hand on him at all times. I usually only gave him a bath every other day (which my mom also said was wrong but per books and doctors was ok). Then he had a few days here and there where he seemed not to like taking a bath. But now he really loves bathtime esp bubbles! He sits in the jazzuci bath by himself or with one of us and plays and splashes.

Monday, October 3, 2011

It Wasn't All Bad

Leon learned a new word this weekend: Vaca (cow).

And the Worst Parent Award Goes to....

We spent four days in the mountains: hiking, visiting dairy farms, bird watching, and watching Leon almost die! Ok, so maybe I am exaggerating. Leon fell into a Coy Pond. Leon fell head first into a cement lined man-made pond. I was standing right beside him and instead of being the super mom I think I am (I didn't grab him and save the day) I started screaming and covered my eyes. In the meantime Jeff pulled him out of the water. He didn't drown. He was not coughing and luckily did not hit his head. But it seemed as if his little life flashed before my eyes. The next morning he fell face forward into a cement/stone/rock walkway. That produced a swollen area and several cuts and scrapes on his forehead. I joked that Leon spends entire weeks with the Nanny without a single scratch and spends a few days with his parents and has cuts and scrapes all over his body (oh he has a random scratch on his knee from falling in the airport). Everyone says we should get used to scratches and scraps and that he'll have more. But it's soooo hard to see him in pain especially when I feel like I could have prevented it.

Ps. The hotels (posadas) we stayed at were really cute.