Now that Leon is mobile (crawling and walking holding on to objects) he is more than just a noisemaker to Posa (the dog), he's now a threat. Don't get my wrong. Posa has been quite patient. She lets Leon pet her (which he does pretty well, not the slapping pulling motion you would expect from a baby), but Posa does let us know when enough is enough. In this video Posa decided to go into the kennel (on her own) instead of being out with Leon. I still worry about Posa and Leon. I've seen Posa growl at Leon and snap (I'm the only one in a room of four other adults that saw the snap) once at Leon. Posa is skittish and afraid of everything in the world and Leon is a fast moving, screaming object. So I try to keep the two separate except for closely monitored visits. :)
join me in the new journey of motherhood as i add it to my life of fitness, green living, and creative happenings
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
My Love Hate Relationship
I have a love-hate relationship with Leon's Daycare. Truly, it's not just his current daycare, it's probably all day care establishments. Leon has croup. On one hand day care allows me to work, and go to the gym. Being a stay at home mom is hard. I did it for 5.5 months. I loved spending time with Leon, but its not easy. Granted he was quite young then and very dependent on me. Now he can feed himself and entertain himself, so maybe it would be easier now? Nah! Now, he can get into trouble. Just today I had to stop him from chewing on electrical cords, pulling on lamp cords, and he seems determined to crawl to Posa (the dog) and touch (or smack) her. ps...I know we need to baby proof. We started at our place but we just moved last night (that's for another blog). Day care does provide Leon with (other than colds and viruses) experiences. He does not seem to have separation anxiety at all. He plays with other kids. He eats everything and some of that is related to the fact that they have a varied meal plan at day care. Today he had banana pancakes with cantaloupe for breakfast. Then he had cheese pizza with corn for lunch. The other meals have been taco salads, tuna fish sandwiches, turkey chili, chicken, rice, and veges. The meal options also has a negative side. I went through a lot of effort to make all (I still do but there's more on that later) of his meals with organic produce etc etc. But at daycare they only serve organic milk. In the end of the day, he is with people who care about him, it's super clean (yeah!), and it's organized. So it's not me, but for right now, it works.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Almost A Year!
Leon's almost 11 months but I'm finally posting his 10 month pics. I've been busy studying Spanish for our big move! Leon has soo much energy these days. He does sleep (thank God, again and Thank my friends!) at night now but other than that he is constantly moving. He would not stay still for pictures this month. He has four full teeth and one on the way. He eats mostly everything now. I've moved from most baby foods (still give him some puree stuff, but like the Plum Organics which he can hold himself) to table foods in small pieces. He feeds himself (and the floor). He is not crawling but he is dragging himself from place to place and standing up (holding on to something). I can't believe it's almost one year later. Time is flying by.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Teething Sucks, and Bites!
Teething is a canine. Leon woke up screaming in pain again. He has been sleeping thru the entire night for a month. But the last two (or was it three nights) he has woken up crying from pain. He has a new tooth coming in. The poor thing is chewing on everything in sight (including me!). Tonight I gave him some baby Mortin. I know. Jeff and I are both "anti-med" people. We definitely don't take pain relievers and don't want to over medicate Leon. I got the idea from some mommy friends. He is sleeping now. If 3/4 teaspoon of Mortin keeps him from waking up in pain again, then maybe it was worth it.
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